DriverFinder FULL FEATURES List


Precision Driver Scanning


DriverFinder™ detects your PC brand and model, the operating system you use, and all the hardware devices connected to your computer with laser-precision. By determining your system accurately, DriverFinder™ is able to provide device drivers that are 100% specific to your computer.

Supports both plugged and unplugged devices!
Ever connected an MP3 player, USB webcam, digital camera, or external hard disk to your computer? DriverFinder™ will find an updated driver for these devices even if they are not plugged or connected to your PC at the moment.


Huge Driver Database


DriverFinder™ offers clients the biggest - and most updated! - driver database in the industry. Our automated crawlers and electronic driver file analyzers work 24/7/365, enabling us to generally detect device drivers within 24 hours of their release.


Accurate Driver Updates


DriverFinder™ employs a unique combination of (1) automated crawlers, (2) electronic driver file analyzers, and (3) manual checking by computer professionals BEFORE driver files are added to our database! This guarantees the reliability of our driver file suggestions.


Superfast Downloads


DriverFinder™ downloads are TWICE as fast as other update tools. This is because device drivers are sourced from manufacturers AND relayed over our hi-speed data storage infrastructure, which is serviced by Amazon® web services.


Driver Installation


After downloading drivers, install them with ease using DriverFinder™! Need some visual help? Click here to view DriverFinder screenhots.


Driver Backup Restore


Backup a specific driver - or all of them! - with ease before you update to new drivers. Restore them just as easily from their backup location.

Easily back up your drivers to an external medium too!
You can use DriverFinder's Driver Backup & Restore feature to make a copy of your drivers and place them on another medium such as a USB stick, CD or DVD drive, and others.

For instance, after updating all your drivers, create a full driver backup, this time pointing the backup location to your USB stick or CD drive. Now use the new drivers to update another PC in your home!


Self Updating


We believe that it's OUR responsibility to provide you with the LATEST version of our program at all times. When you launch DriverFinder™, you will be asked to download the latest version of our application IF we deployed a new one. You will be benefiting from TONS of amazing and exciting features we cook up!


Customer Service


DriverFinder™ applies a 24-hour response policy. Every inquiry you make is guaranteed to be replied to by one of our professional, courteous - and yes, human - customer service professionals.

Auto-Update Your Drivers & Upgrade Your PC Experience Now!
Enjoy 100% Safe and Secure Driver Downloads with DriverFinder™

Download DriverFinder
Supports Windows 32-Bit and 64-Bit Versions

DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Driver Updates

For Windows XP up to Windows 11
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit systems
DriverFinder is an advanced driver scanning, updating and downloading utility for Windows-based PCs. By downloading, you agree to have read and accepted the License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Individual drivers may be available freely on manufacturer websites. Activate the full version of DriverFinder for a one-time low fee of only USD 29.95 for a year.

Safe & Secure

Softpedia Award
Integrity Statement

PC Requirements

  • Windows 11,
    Windows 10,
    Windows 8,
    Windows 7,
    Vista & Windows XP
  • 300 MHz Pentium or higher CPU
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 16 MB hard drive space
  • Space for driver downloads and backups
  • 800x600 true color or better resolution
  • Internet connection

Company Info